Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm Old

Sooo...yeah, I'm still alive.  I just haven't had much to write about and I really don't want to bore you into unfollowing me.  See that?  I haven't been writing for your sake! 

Today is my birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.  I love celebrating getting old.  You know what I asked my parents for?  A sewing machine.  Just call me Grandma.  A while back my friend Kere posted about finding herself sitting at home crafting on a Friday night.  Kere is married with two beautiful little girls so it made sense.  But me?  I thought to myself, HA!, that will never be me.  But alas, it is.  I emailed Leslie this picture last Friday with the caption, "OMG, I'm old.  This is my Friday night!"

I felt a little better when Leslie responded that she was already in bed at 9:44 pm though. 

Then today as I'm browsing around facebook waiting on more happy birthday messages to come in making me feel popular and loved by people who haven't seen me in years and could probably care less but feel like it's their mandatory duty to wish me a happy birthday because they see my name staring them in the face (hint, hint), I came across a friend suggestion.  It was a name I haven't heard in 15 years.  Since I babysat him when he was 3 years old.  He's married.  I babysat the kid when he was 3.  THREE.  Thank you, kid, for making me feel every one of my 29 21 years old.


  1. I'll post on here instead of Facebook, because I dare to be different....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Don't feel old. I think I was in bed by 9:45 on Friday night and had to take a nap on Saturday because more than 4 hours of drinking really tired me out.

  2. soooo, you can't get a sewing machine because you'll end up being a better Martha Stewart than me and well I'm not ok with that. But keep making your little bird houses.They are cute. make it colorful and send me one :-)

    Happy Birthday old lady!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to YOU!!! I am so sorry I missed it.

