Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Braccoli & Chiken

Howard and I decided to meet for lunch today in Paducah. We were going to go to my favorite place, J's Cafe and Bistro but when I called to make sure they were open, the number was disconnected. Sad face. We both began looking at places online to see where we felt like eating. I came across the following and of course, had to share. They are all from different menus too...

Cheddard cheese is a staple for Paducahians.

Can't even get the name of the town where you are located spelled right?

Yummmm...Wish I had some Cheddard Braccoli soup.

No, this isn't a menu from Chik-fil-A

Jalopeno! Or Jalapeno? Can't decide? Go with both!

Gotta love random capitalization!

There is actually nothing wrong with this one but I want to go there just to try the wine.


  1. I think Fat Bastard also has a beer. You should try that!

  2. some sites I think you'll really enjoy:



  3. I knew about cakewrecks but thanks for the other one Eve!!! Although I have crazy stories from work, most days are extremely boring and I live for new reading material :)
