The remnants of the old Gulf station...My personal favorite piece!
Tree man #1
A mound they turned into a grave...He said no one is buried here but they did scatter his grandma's ashes on it. He said he didn't think she would mind.
A giraffe having some water.
Another giraffe
Hillbilly outhouse.
Death of Society.
The random bike tree.
Re"tire"ment Home
Hillbilly Springs...this one made me laugh hysterically for some reason.
Hillbilly Spaceship
Rattlesnakes...this also made me laugh pretty hard.
Hillbilly Cemetary
I don't know what he called this one but he did say when they first opened, the cops tried to shut them down for attempting to bury trash.
Hillbilly Apartment...Frankenstein and his bride are in the van.
Tree man #2
that is some seriously random stuff! amazing!