Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Will You Be My Guro Fren?

I was watching Law & Order last night.  It was really intense and I was really, really into it.  Only 8 minutes left in the show when it cuts out and this pops up.

No need to call us.  Don't bother us.  We'll be right back.  8 minutes later, it came back on.  At exactly 10 pm in time for the news.  Thank you DirecTv for ruining my night.  Hmph.


This made my day.  He had these listed under Personal/Professional References on his application.


I just found out that the grad school I want to enroll in beginning in June has all my classes on Monday nights which is fine right now but then I realized that come September, I'll be missing MNF.  NOOOO!  So, which takes priority?  Grad school or MNF?  Hmmm.......... (I am only joking, Mom.....sort of).


  1. LOL. I used to be a Fren and a Guro Fren. Best jobs ever.

  2. Yep, you always were a joker, Dane. But, of course, I know my beautiful and intelligent daughter will do the right thing, right???
